Reading 2

Formal Elements of Graphic Design

1. Line
2. Shape
3. Figure/Ground
 A. Figure/Ground Reversal
 B. Typographic Shapes
4. Color
5. Color Nomendclature
6. Primary Colors
7. Technical Considerations
 A. Value
 B. Saturation
8. Texture
 A. Pattern

Principles of Design
1. Format
2. Balance 
 A. Interrelated Visual Factors of Balance
 B. Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Balance
3. Visual Hierarchy
4. Emphasis
 A. Isolation
 B. Placement
 C. Scale
 D. Contrast 
 E. Direction and Pointers
 F. Diagrammatic Structures 
     I. Tree Structures
     II. Nest Structures
     III. Stair Structures
5. Rhythm 
 A. Repetition
 B. Variation
6. Unity

1. Proportion
 A. Mathematical Ratios and Proportional Systems
2. Fibonacci Numbers
 A. Square
 B. Spiral
3. Golden Ratio

Illusion and the Manipulation of Graphic Space
1. Volume
 A. Picture Plane
 B. Foreground/Middle/Background 

Laws of Perceptual Organization
1. Similarity
2. Proximity
3. Continuity
4. Closure
5. Common Fate
6. Continuing Line
7. Correspondence
8. Structure and Unity